Friday, May 15, 2009

What Happened to Me, 5

A series on how I've changed since my conversion to God (December 30, 2003)

Death lost it's sting

Dudes, death is coming. It waits, and then it rips apart everything human. It's like a gloating opponent who knows he has the checkmate. "I'm going to take you down."

Death also makes this boast: Can you name your great-grandparents? No? Well you too will be forgotten from the Earth within a hundred years.

Before my conversion, I didn't think much about death. But it's existence rendered my whole life meaningless. My lifeplan was 'make the most out of these 40-70 years, because it's lights out when you die'.

After my conversion, I taunt death. "Where is your sting death? Where grave your victory?"

My savior died; and my old self died with him. My savior rose from the grave, and I'll be united with him in a resurrection like his.

I may die, but God will undo my death.
I may die, but God will bring me instantly into the joy of my master.

What Adam did for me in bringing death into the world; Christ defeated for me to give me life.

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