Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moment of Truth on Fox

We turned on the TV last night, and got Moment of Truth on Fox.

It is trash, but watch it!

Contestants answer personal and embarrassing questions in a "hot seat" with the potential to win $500,000. They have to undergo a lie-detector test beforehand. Last night a football player to the lower levels ($15,000 or $25,000), but had to answer in front of his wife, friends, 23 million viewers (and God):

Have you ever flirted with women on the internet after getting married?
Have you ever had sex with someone within 24 hours of meeting them?
Is there any secret you have that would cause your wife to not trust you?
Have you ever touched women as a physical trainer more than was necessary?

(No, Yes, Yes, Yes)

Who can stand before God with clean hands?

He has appointed a day for the Moment of Truth. That's why I want you to watch this show once. It has made me extremely desperate to find a right standing before God.

1 comment:

Alana said...

am i the first to comment on your NEW blog?? nice blog. get some pictures up, especially after you guys go to Ecuador. :)