Friday, April 11, 2008

blog title change

I switched my blog title from "Fundamentalist!" to "Josh Crews's blog".

I think the term "fundamentalist" should be reclaimed by Christians lovingly holding to the fundamentals* of Christian teaching.

After September 11, fundamentalism is disparaged as the problem with the world. "It was religious fundamentalists who flew those planes into the towers". But as Tim Keller said, "Have you ever heard of an Amish terrorist?" Christian fundamentalism isn't the problem, but Christian unbelief in their own teachings is a problem.
I'm a sinner and part of the problem.
I can't fix the world, but I know someone who can (Jesus).
Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you.
So I hope to see the term "fundamentalism" recovered in the culture, and for Christian fundamentalists to be known for having a love for all people, and a hope to offer the world that's not based on them, but on God.

But it's probably a little too intense for a blog title. At least for now, so I'm switching it.

*Fundamentals of Christian teaching

God is redeeming the world through one man, his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is God. He died as a substitute for our sins. A sinner is counted righteous by God as a free gift through faith in Jesus. He bodily rose from the dead. He is coming back as Judge to set all things right.

A big "sticking point" for fundamentalists: the Bible should be taken literally unless the Bible suggests otherwise.

1 comment:

Moocey said...

"But it's probably a little too intense for a blog title. At least for now, so I'm switching it."

BS. Change it back. It's a great title for your blog.